Privacy Policy
Welcome to the Photoflix mobile and online websites, owned by PHOTOFLIX, LLC, located at (the "Website"). This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you use the Website and the choices you have associated with that data.

Please read the following terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy carefully before using the Website. Without any additional action on your part, your use of, access or viewing of, or submission of any content to or through the Website is subject to, and constitutes your acceptance of and agreement with, these terms.

With our commitment to provide our users with the highest quality service, you can be assured that we will protect your online privacy as stated in the terms of this policy. The Privacy Policy does not apply to written correspondence or telephone conversations, or any other method of obtaining information that you voluntarily provide to us, but strictly to data gathered online from the Website.

What Data We Collect. Some features on the Website ask you for your basic, non-sensitive, personal data. This information currently includes, but is not limited to first and last name, address, phone number, email address and address information. This data is collected during the following types of activities you may undertake on the Website:
• Submitting user generated content on any part of the Website that permits it
• Signing up for emails/newsletters offered by Photoflix
• Participating on social media accounts
• Knowingly volunteering information on any other part of the Website (e.g., request for customer service)

We may also capture certain non-personal data such as the browser, operating system or the type of search engine you are using. We may also collect general demographic data which helps create a broad picture of our population rather than focusing on any one individual.

Photoflix does not knowingly collect any personal information from individuals under the age of 16. If you are a parent or legal guardian who has discovered that your child has provided personal information without your consent, you can ask us to remove any unauthorized information provided by your child by contacting us at

Why We Need Your Personal Data. We need to know your basic personal information in order to provide you with the requested service. We will not collect any personal data from you we do not need to provide and oversee this service.

How We Use This Data. We use this data to better serve our users. For example, the data gathered might be used when updating information on the Website. We may use the data you provide to fulfill service requests or to respond to inquiries about offerings. This data is used to continually refine our content and to identify the most popular areas of our Website. We may use the data to offer other products, programs or services that may be of interest to you.

To better provide products and services that would interest you, we may combine information we receive with outside records to enhance our ability to market those products or services.

Collected information is stored on the Website hosting company’s computers and accessible by authorized users and personnel. In order to safeguard your non-public personal data, Photoflix maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with industry standards.

Third-Party Service Providers – Photoflix engages third party service providers to perform functions on its behalf, such as website hosting, marketing, analytics, etc. These entities have access to your personal data only as needed to perform their functions and they are obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of that personal information. Each of these entities has their own applicable terms of service and privacy policies.

Third-Parties With Whom We Do Business – Photoflix may share your personal information with certain third parties with whom it does business, such as promotional co-sponsors, so that they can provide you with special offers, promotional materials, and similar materials that may be of interest to you. Although our treatment of your personal data is governed by this Privacy Policy, the third party’s treatment of your personal data will be governed by its privacy policy.

Disclosure Required By Law – Photoflix may also use or disclose personal data if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (a) conform to applicable law or comply with legal process served on Photoflix; (b) protect and defend our rights or property, the Website or our users, and (c) act under emergency circumstances to protect the personal safety of us, our affiliates, agents, or the users of the Website or the public.

Retention - We may retain information about you as long as it is necessary for us to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. In addition, we may retain your information for an additional period as is permitted or required to, among other things, comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce agreements. Where and when required by applicable law, we shall delete your information. Even if we delete your data from active databases, the information may remain on backup or storage media.

User Choice. Photoflix allows users to opt-in to newsletters or email subscriptions that are of interest to them. Photoflix uses email addresses for the purpose of informing subscribers of news and other related topics. If you no longer wish to receive such communications from Photoflix, opt-out by clicking on the hyperlink at the bottom of any email you receive or you can send an email to requesting to be unsubscribed from any further emails. Please note that you cannot opt-out from emails regarding your account information.

Social Media. The Website may provide visitors with the ability to register, log into, “like” or otherwise interact with third party social media services, such as Facebook and Twitter. These features may enable integration and/or access to your social media accounts. Photoflix does not control these social media services or your profiles on these services, and it does not establish privacy settings or rules for how your personal information on these services will be used. If you choose to log on to or submit information through any of these social media services, your personal information will be subject to the applicable social media service’s terms and conditions and the current privacy settings you have selected for such services. By accessing any social media service, you assume the risk that your personal information on that service may be viewed and/or used by third parties (known or unknown) for any purpose. You agree Photoflix is not responsible for any acts or omissions by these social media service providers.

In addition, by choosing to log-in to our Website using your credentials from a social media service, you are asking that service to send Photoflix certain information from your account with the service, and you authorize Photoflix to collect, store and use such information in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

Use of Data Collection Tools. Photoflix uses Pixel Tags to collect information about a user’s online activities over time and across different websites. Photoflix employs a common technique usually referred to as “pixel tracking” to measure the effectiveness of marketing and advertisements, as well as to compile aggregate usage statistics. Pixel tracking, which may be used in connection with advertisements on other sites, on our Website or in e-mail messages, involves the use of pixel tags (also known as “clear gifs,” “Web beacons” or “1-by-1 gifs”) that are not visible to the user of the website and consist of a few lines of computer coding. Personal data is not collected by pixel tracking, nor is any tracking information generated from the pixel tag allowed to be used for any other purpose other than to report Website activity to us.

A cookie is a piece of information that a web server may place on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are commonly used by websites to improve the user experience and have not been known to transmit computer viruses or otherwise harm your computer. Many cookies last only through a single website session or visit. Others may have an expiration date, or may remain on your computer until you delete them.

Photoflix may opt to use cookies for a number of purposes - for example, to maintain continuity during a user session, to gather data about the usage of our Website for research and other purposes, to store your preferences for certain kinds of information and marketing, or to store a user name or encrypted identification number so that you do not have to provide this information every time you return to our Website.

If Photoflix decides to employ cookies, such cookies will track only your activity relating to your online activity on this Website, and will not track your other Internet activity. You can decide if and how your computer will accept a cookie by configuring your preferences or options in your browser. If Photoflix opts to employ cookies and you choose to reject these cookies, that may affect your use of our Website features. Photoflix may decide to occasionally use other companies to set cookies on the Website and gather cookie information for us. We would then use the cookie information gathered by these companies in the same manner as stated above.

What are your rights? Photoflix aims to take reasonable steps to allow you to correct, amend, delete, or limit the use of your personal data. Whenever possible, you can update your personal data directly within your account settings section. If you are unable to change your personal data, please contact us to make the required changes. If you wish to be informed what personal data we hold about you and if you want it to be removed from our systems, please contact us at

Security of Data. The security of your data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Operation of Website. The Website is operated in and intended for use in the United States. If you are located in the European Union, Canada or elsewhere outside of the United States, please be aware that information we collect will be transferred to and processed in the United States. By using the Website, or providing us with any information, you fully understand and unambiguously consent to this transfer, processing and storage of your information in the United States, a jurisdiction in which the privacy laws may not be as comprehensive as those in the country where you reside and/or are a citizen.

California Residents. Pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, residents of California can obtain certain information about the types of personal information that companies with whom they have an established business relationship have shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year. In particular, the law provides that companies must inform consumers about the categories of personal information that have been shared with third parties, the names and addresses of those third parties, and examples of the types of services or products marketed by those third parties. To request a copy of the information disclosure provided by Photoflix pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, please contact us at Please allow 30 days for a response.

Indemnification. You will indemnify, hold harmless and defend Photoflix and its members, managers, affiliates, attorneys, licensors, successors, or assigns from and against any claim, action, demand, cause of action, suit, proceeding, loss, cost, expense, damage, debt or liability, including reasonable legal costs and attorneys' fees, alleged or asserted by any person or actually incurred by Photoflix, which arises out of or relates to: (a) your use or of the Website; (b) your breach or violation of any of these terms; or (c) your breach or violation of any third party right, including any property, publicity or privacy right. Additionally, Photoflix reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any action, proceeding or matter subject to indemnification by you, whereupon you agree to cooperate with Photoflix in asserting any available defense.

Acceptance of Terms. By your online usage of the Website, you agree to accept the Terms of this policy. Any improper conduct or misuse of the Website will not be tolerated and we reserve the right to release to third parties any personal information regarding users who violate the terms of the policy, or use the Website for fraudulent or illegal purposes.

Changes to Privacy Policy. Photoflix may revise or modify this Privacy Policy, either in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice to you, and such revisions and modifications will supersede this version. You will be bound by any such revisions or modifications and should, therefore, visit this page each time you access the Website to review the then-current Privacy Policy. Print off or save a local copy of the then-current Privacy Policy for your records.

Questions about the Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact Photoflix at

Last Revised May 1, 2021.